by Tasha Domashovetz, MA, LPCC | Feb 8, 2018
If you’ve ever been to counseling before, perhaps you’ve encountered your therapist nagging you to speak in terms of “I feel” versus “you make me feel.” Hopefully you were provided an explanation as to the importance of this. But if you weren’t, I am happy to...
by Tasha Domashovetz, MA, LPCC | Feb 1, 2018
Having a wealth of ideas to talk about today, I decided to discuss an issue that is extremely close to my heart: existentialism and existential thought. When I was going through my own mental health journey, I ended up reading Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search For Meaning....
by Tasha Domashovetz, MA, LPCC | Jan 2, 2018
Therapy is weird. You hire me for an hour a week, maybe every other week, and pour your heart out to me. We spend maybe a few months together, possibly a year, and then you move on to conquer the world. I’m always happy for the day when I’ve worked myself...